Teacher Notes
Weather and Climate (40-45 minutes) > Print/View All Notes
Students will use their bar graphs to respond to questions in their Engineering Portfolios in this activity. Begin the activity by having students turn to page 11 of their Engineering Portfolios. After students have answered the questions, ask them to share their ideas with the class. It may be difficult for students to discern any trends over ten years, but emphasize that scientists who have looked at data over a much longer time period have found evidence that the climate is changing, and that severe weather events are becoming more common.
After students complete and discuss the questions on page 11 of their portfolios, take a moment to complete a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast climate and weather. Conduct this activity as a whole class by drawing a Venn Diagram on a board or poster paper. Have students share how the two terms are the same and different, and record their responses on the chart.
Next, open up a discussion about climate change, and make sure that students understand the difference between weather and climate. Students may have heard conflicting information about climate change, or they may not be familiar with the term. Have them watch the video in the Did You Know? sidebar to get some background knowledge. After the video is over, help explain any ideas or terms that they have questions about. Reiterate that global climate change is causing an increase in severe weather events like hurricanes and flooding.
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